Xverse Rewind: Your 2024 Bitcoin Wallet "Wrapped"
Learn about the brand-new Xverse Rewind feature, offering you insights into your Bitcoin wallet, your transaction habits, and your unique personality profile.

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Since it’s the end of the year, it’s a great time to review how the year’s been for you. We at Xverse have launched our own Rewind feature that lets you reflect on your wallet-related habits.
Read on to learn about the new Xverse Rewind feature, which categories it covers, and what your unique personality profile says about you.
What Is Xverse Rewind?
Xverse Rewind is an exclusive new feature offered by the Xverse wallet to help you better understand all your wallet-related habits in the past year.
Think music streaming recap, but for your crypto wallet.
You can generate your Xverse Rewind only using your Xverse Wallet, so it won’t include any data from any other wallets you used, unless you have imported your existing wallet into Xverse.
You’ll have to connect to the Xverse web app to get it. Both mobile and extension versions of the wallet support this, so don’t worry about which one to use.

Your 2024 Crypto Journey At a Glance
If you’re wondering what you’ve traded in 2024, or you just want to remind yourself of the choices you’ve made at any point, Xverse Rewind is just the thing for you.
Here’s what it’ll show:
Transaction Summary
Transaction Summary will show you the total number of transactions you’ve made, plus their value in USD.
This is a great way to see how much you’ve moved in total across all asset types in the wallet. This is the forest of the data; the trees are the next few sections.
Top 5 Traded Assets
The top five traded assets include Stacks and SIP-10, Runes, and BRC-20 tokens.
They’re ranked by transaction count, which means regardless of price, market cap, or asset size, your top five assets are the ones you moved the most.
Top 5 Traded Collectibles
Like their name implies, your top five traded collectibles include things like Ordinals and Stacks NFTs.
This is also ranked by transaction count like traded assets and could be a great indicator of how interesting you found any collectible that makes it into your list.
Top 5 Owned Assets
Of course, the top five owned assets — they’re simply taken from the percentage of your current portfolio holdings.
This category includes bitcoin (BTC), Stacks, Runes, BRC-20 and SIP-10. The values are shown in both BTC and USD.
Personality Profile
And for the most anticipated category: your unique personality profile based on your Xverse wallet activity (or inactivity!). There are quite a few different types you can get, all tailored to yourself, and often fun ways to reference community trends and vocab.
Here are some examples:
If your personality profile says you’re a Degen, it means you have high activity in trading and/or minting. You probably like getting into riskier trades and speculative investments because you like that high-risk/high-reward feeling.
If you’re a BTC Maxi, you probably already know you only hold BTC. After all, if it was good enough for Satoshi Nakamoto, why not for you?
An STX Maxi personality profile means you’ve devoted your Xverse wallet to Stacks. Who doesn’t love Bitcoin Layer 2s?
A Runes Maxi, you can already tell, devotes their time to runes trading and probably has more runes in their wallet than they care to admit.
Happy to get called a Chad? It means you’ve been devotedly hodling your assets for the long term, and you’ve achieved significant gains. Who can ask for more?
If you’re a Collector, then you’ve been focusing on Ordinals more than anything else this year.
For those who got a Whale on their personality profile, this means you have a large portfolio—but you already knew this.
If you got Rekt (aka Pre-rich), prepare to laugh at your own expense—it means you experienced significant portfolio losses. But hey, you live, and you learn, and let’s hope they hit you with that Chad or Whale personality next year!
And if you just got called a Normie, well, that’s not too bad either. It just means you don’t have much activity or a huge portfolio going for you. You’re living the chill, relaxed life when it comes to crypto.
Your Privacy Matters to Us!
Xverse Rewind also keeps your privacy at the forefront.
While we keep your Rewind so we don’t have to generate it more than once, you can request to have it removed from our servers. Also, we can’t link this data back to your identity, so your privacy is preserved.
Additionally, if you’re using several addresses per wallet, these are not linked, so there’s no worry this kind of data will be publicly available.
That means Xverse Rewind doesn’t publish or offer any data that isn’t publicly visible anyway. All it does is organize it in a more readable way for your review and sharing pleasure.
Get Your Personalized Wallet Summary This Year With Xverse
If you’re interested in finding out how the Xverse wallet sees you and your trading habits and activities, then the Xverse Rewind is a great feature for you.
Find out whether you’re a Chad, a Normie, a Collector, or even a Whale by opening your wallet (either mobile or browser extension) and connecting it to the web app to get your report.
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