Connect to Gamma's new BNS (.btc) Marketplace with Xverse
We have released a new version of the app that is fully compatible with Gamma's new BNS marketplace.

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Xverse has released a new version of the app that is fully compatible with Gamma's new BNS marketplace. BNS are decentralized namespaces secured on the Bitcoin blockchain, registered by Stacks. You can use your .btc name to sign into hundreds of decentralized apps and to send and receive STX.
How to Purchase a Bitcoin .btc Username
Since its release, Gamma's domain marketplace has been trending, with .btc domains becoming the most popular NFTs on the platform. "At Gamma, we strongly believe in the future of decentralized identities, and we're excited to take this step in furthering their adoption on the most secure blockchain, Bitcoin," said Founder and CEO, Jamil Dhanani. He continued, "Bitcoin was the original home for decentralized identities on the blockchain. Recent technological breakthroughs using the Stacks programming layer have unlocked the user experience needed to make them a reality, in a way web3 users have come to expect from other decentralized identities, like those on Ethereum."
At Gamma, your BNS name is used as your decentralized identity, and is automatically reserved as a profile URL for your NFT collection. BNS names also function much like traditional domain names. Compatibility via a web bridge with the DNS system of web 2.0 allows you to use a .btc name for a business or personal site. BNS seeks to revitalize the initial vision of human-readable Bitcoin addresses and a user-owned internet.
You can access Gamma's new BNS marketplace easily from within Xverse in-app browser.
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